Sunday, September 23, 2012



I have a Tumblr by the way which I actually had way before I had this blogger account.  Tumblr's great!  I believe its one of the first sites where you can "reblog" something and like something.  This site has informed me of what a hipster is and what yolo is and that sort of thing. LOL.  On my account, I usually reblog music I enjoy, quotes that I seem fit to my current situation, and blah rants and sometimes dramatic things.  LOL.

If you wanna check it out, click here. =)

Thank you!


P.S.  I feel like I have a pen pal or something.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bus Rides

Long time no blog.  And a long time ago I promised myself to write or at least never be empty handed of pen and paper when I take long trips, especially going back and forth Baguio and Manila during college days.  Somehow, I have more thoughts during these trips than when I'm actually sitting down and waiting for ideas to come flowing.  But I never did keep that promise.  But here are some experiencess that I remember:

Recently, I was seated beside a student, I assume, of my alma mater.  He had that maroon baller with that naked man on it and was reviewing his reviewers when he got enough sleep. He was simple with just a hoodie on and had a beaten down phone. He was on the phone as soon as we sat by each other, softly speaking to that person on the other end at 6 in the morning. We maintained nice and pleasant seatmate ettiquette.

One time I sat beside this Korean. The time was when I was still in college and was finding it hard not to cry every time I left home to go back to Manila.  I wasn't alone with the crying that time though.  I actually didn't know if it was funny. First, he was a guy.  I didnt expect a guy to cry right there.  His friends were waving good bye as the train moved and he started to tear up.  I was already sobbing then.  Second, as soon as his friends were out of sight, he opened a letter, started reading, and cried.  We both were crying.  And I realized it then that it was so funny to be seated with someone crying as well, so it sort off cheered me up.

Last thought for today would be the time I rode the bus on my birthday years ago.  I rode the bus earlier than I normally would on a school day and the bus ride took forever!  A normal trip would give you two stopovers - Tarlac and Sison, but unfortunately for me it took a stop in Dau as well.  I didn't have a seat mate just yet until that stopover.  This Mr. Dentist chose to sit beside me even if there were vacant seats before my row.  In my head I was like, "Okay, he doesn't seem to bad.  I'll just sleep the whole ride or read or something, or do something that will not make him talk to me.".  But no, he did talk to me the whole trip!  And if I did sleep he'd let me lean on his shoulder which was way awkward for me.  When he told me he was a dentist I told him, "So... You're checking out my teeth now?".  And I covered my mouth.  That is by far my weirdest birthday. 

Hope you liked my stories. :)

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